snakesist Documentation Status

snakesist is an experimental Python database driver for eXist-db. It currently only supports retrieving, updating and deleting resources.

pip install snakesist

Usage example

import delb
from snakesist.exist_client import ExistClient

db = ExistClient(
    host='',  # defaults to 'localhost'
    port='80',  # defaults to 8080
    usr='foo_bar',  # defaults to 'admin'
    pw='f0ob4r'  # defaults to ''

db.root_collection = '/db/foo/bar'
# the client will only query from this point downwards

names = db.retrieve_resources('//*:persName')
# note the namespace wildcard in the XPath expression

for name in names:
    if name.node.full_text() == 'Monty':
        suffix = delb.TextNode(' Python')

Your eXist instance

snakesist leverages the eXist RESTful API for database queries. This means that allowing database queries using the _query= parameter of the RESTful API is a requirement. eXist allows this by default, so if you haven’t configured your instance otherwise, don’t worry about it.


This package doesn’t have a stable release yet and lacks sufficient test coverage. Please use with care. It also has delb as a dependency (for accessing the document nodes), which is a very young project developed as a POC at the moment.

Contributions, suggestions, bug reports and feature requests for snakesist are more than welcome.