snakesist Documentation Status

snakesist is a Python database interface for eXist-db. It supports basic CRUD operations and uses delb for representing the yielded resources.

pip install snakesist

Usage example

from snakesist import ExistClient

db = ExistClient()

db.root_collection = '/db/foo/bar'
# the client will only query from this point downwards

names = db.retrieve_resources('//*:persName')
# note the namespace wildcard in the XPath expression

# append 'Python' to all names which are 'Monty' and delete the rest
for name in names:
    if name.node.full_text == 'Monty':
        name.node.append_child(' Python')

Your eXist instance

snakesist leverages the eXist RESTful API for database queries. This means that allowing database queries using the _query parameter of the RESTful API is a requirement in the used eXist-db backend. eXist allows this by default, so if you haven’t configured your instance otherwise, don’t worry about it.

snakesist is tested with eXist 4.7.1 and is not compatible yet with eXist 5.0.0.